Cloud technology comparison between AWS and AZURE and GOOGLE (2020 update)

The top three cloud providers are AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, each with their own strengths and weaknesses that make them ideal for each use.

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AWS vs Azure vs GCP. Who is going to win?

The brief

The competition for a leader in public cloud computing is a fierce 3D race: AWS versus AZURE, versus GOOGLE. Obviously, for laaS services and PaaS services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) hold high positions among many cloud providers.

Amazon is particularly dominant. In a 2018 report, Synergy Research Group noted that spending on cloud infrastructure services increased an astonishing 51% compared to the previous quarter, noting: “AWS market share worldwide has held steady at about 33% for twelve quarters, even as the market has almost tripled in size.”

Meanwhile, Microsoft is particularly strong on SaaS, while Google Cloud, which changed leaders in 2018, is positioned for strong growth – and is known for discounts.

The comparison

Here’s a comparison of the cloud between AWS versus Azure versus Google:

  • Amazon Web Services: With the huge toolset continuing to grow in an even number, Amazon’s capabilities are unsymmetric. However, its cost structure can be confusing and its unique focus on public cloud computing instead of hybrid cloud or private cloud means that interacting with your data center is not AWS’s top priority.
  • Microsoft Azure: AWS’ competitor with a cloud infrastructure with exceptional capabilities. If you’re a business customer, Azure speaks your language – some companies have enterprise platforms (and Windows support) like Microsoft. Azure knows you still run a data center, and the Azure platform works strongly to interact with data centers; the hybrid cloud is real power.
  • Google Cloud: A well-funded sneaker in the competition, Google late enters the cloud computing market and doesn’t really focus on business. But its technical expertise is profound, and having industry-leading tools in deep research and artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis are significant advantages.
cloud technology comparison
AWS vs. Azure vs. Google: Overview of pros and cons Many experts recommend that businesses evaluate their public cloud computing needs on a case-by-case perspective, tailored to applications and workloads with providers that best suit their needs.

We made a table of strengths and weaknesses on both the competitors

Aws• Dominant market position
• Widespread, complete supply
• Support for large organizations
• Extensive training
• Global scope
• Difficulty in use
• Cost management
• Outstanding options
Microsoft Azure• Second largest provider
• Integration with Microsoft
tools and software
• Wide feature set
• Hybrid cloud
• Open source support
• Problems with documentation
• Inadequate management tools
Google• Designed for cloud-based businesses
• Open source and mobility commitment
• Deep discounts and flexible contracts
• DevOps expertise
• Arriving late to the IaaS market
• Fewer features and services
• Historically not focused on business
AWS vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud Platform in Strengths and Weaknesses

Comparison in Computing Services

AWS Computing:

  • Elastic Cloud Computing: Amazon’s leading computing service is elastic or EC2 cloud computing. Amazon describes EC2 as “a web service that provides secure, resizing computing capabilities in the cloud”. EC2 offers a variety of options, including a lot of cases, support for both Windows and Linux, bare-metal versions, GPU versions, high-performance computing, auto-expansion, and more. AWS also offers a free grant for EC2 that covers 750 hours per month for up to twelve months.
  • Container service: In the computing category, Amazon’s various container services are increasingly popular and it has its own Docker, Kubernetes, and Fargate support options that automate server and team management when using containers. It also offers a virtual private cloud option called Lightsail, Batch for bulk computing tasks, Elastic Beanstalk for running and scaling Web applications, as well as a few other services.

Microsoft Cloud Computing:

  • Virtual machines: Microsoft’s primary computing service is simply called Virtual Machines. It boasts support for Linux, Windows Server, SQL Server, Oracle, IBM and SAP, as well as enhanced security, hybrid cloud capabilities, and integrated support for Microsoft software. Like AWS, it has an extremely large portfolio of available instances, including high-performance computing options and GPUs, as well as cases optimized for artificial intelligence and machine learning. It also has a free level with 750 hours per month for Windows or Linux B1S virtual machines for one year.
  • Additional services: The auto-expanded version of Azure is called the Virtual Machine Scale Set. And it has two container services: The Kubernetes-based Azure Container Service and the Container Service that uses the Docker Hub and Azure Container Registry for management. It has Batch and Cloud Services services for scalable Web applications similar to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It also has a unique service called Service Fabric designed specifically for applications with microservice architecture.

Google Computing:

  • Calculating tools: For comparison, Google’s computing service portfolio is somewhat shorter than its competitors. Its main service, called Compute Engine, boasts both custom and pre-defined machines, pay-per-second, Linux and Windows support, automatic discounts, and a carbon-neutral infrastructure that uses half the energy of regular data centers. It offers a free level that includes an example of F1-microphone per month for up to 12 months.
  • Focus on Kubernetes: Google also provides the Kubernetes Tool to organizations interested in deploying containers. Like all leading cloud providers, it is set up to deliver containers and microservices. And it is worth noting that Google has been heavily involved in the Kubernetes project, which gives it more expertise in the field.
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Comparison in Storage and Database Services

AWS Storage:

  • SSS to EFS: AWS offers a long list of hosting services including Simple Storage Service (S3) for storing objects, Elastic Block Storage (EBS) for stable block storage used with EC2, and Elastic File System (EFS) for file storage. Some of its more innovative storage products include Storage Gateway, which enables a combined storage environment, and Snowball, a physical hardware device that organizations can use to transmit petabyte data in unviable Internet transfer situations.
  • Databases and storage: On the database side, Amazon has a SQL compatible database called Aurora, Relational Database Services (RDS), DynamoDB NoSQL database, ElastiCache in-memory data warehouse, Redshift database, Neptune database, and Database Migration Service. Amazon offers Glacier, designed for long-term storage at very low prices. In addition, its storage port can be used to easily set up backup and storage processes.

Azure Storage:

  • Hosting services: Microsoft Azure’s basic storage services include Blob Storage for storing REST-based objects of unstructured data, Queue Storage for large volumes of work, File Storage, and Disk Storage. It also has a data lake store, which is useful for large data applications.
  • Extended databases: Azure’s database options are particularly extensive. It has three SQL-based options: SQL Database, Database for MySQL, and Database for PostgreSQL. It also has a Data Warehouse service, as well as Cosmos DB and table storage for NoSQL. Redis Cache is its in-memory service and Server Stretch Database is a hybrid storage service designed specifically for organizations that use Microsoft SQL Server in their own data centers. Unlike AWS, Microsoft offers the actual Backup service, as well as the Website And Archive Restoration service.

Google Archive:

  • Integrated storage and more: Aswell as computing, GCP has a smaller menu of hosting services available. Cloud Storage is its integrated object storage service and it also has the Persistent Disk option. It offers the same Transmission Tool as AWS Snowball, as well as streaming services.
  • SQL and NoSQL: When it comes to databases, GCP has SQL Cloud-based SQL and a cooperative database called Cloud Spanner, designed for critical workloads. It also has two NoQuery options: Cloud Bigtable and Cloud Datastore. It does not have backup and storage services.
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Comparison in Cloud Tool supported

AWS vs. Azure, with Google: The main cloud tool Looking ahead, experts say emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning (Machine learning is a child field of Artificial Intelligence that uses algorithms that allow computers to learn from data to perform jobs instead of being explicitly programmed.), internet of things (loT) and serverless computing (not servers that you do a program, you just need to write code, and without much concern about the server, that part for cloud providers to manage) will become the main difference of cloud providers.

All three leading providers have begun testing services in these areas and are likely to expand their services in the coming year. AWS main tools:

  • Pagemaker to Serverless:As in other areas, AWS has the longest list of services in each of these fields. Highlights include the SageMaker service for training and deploying machine learning models, the Lex conversational interface that also offers Alexa services, Greengrass IoT messaging services, and Lambda serverless computing services.
  • AI and ML: Among many AI-oriented services, AWS offers DeepLens, AI-powered cameras to develop and deploy machine learning algorithms to use with things like optical character recognition and image and object recognition. AWS has announced Glamon, a deep learning support library designed to make it easy for developers and non-developers to build and quickly train neural networks without knowing AI programming.

Azure’s main tools:

  • Cognitive Services: Microsoft has also invested heavily in artificial intelligence and it offers machine learing services and bot services on Azure. It also has Cognitive Services including Bing Web Search AP, text analytics API, face API, computer vision API, and Custom Vision Services. For IoT, it has a number of management and analytics services and its serverless computing service is called Function.
  • MSFT software support:Unsurprisingly, many of Azure’s leading tools are aimed at supporting Microsoft software on- spot. Azure Backup is a Windows Server Backup associated service in Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016. Visual Studio group services host Visual Studio projects on Azure.

Google’s main tools:

  • Big on AI: For Google Cloud Platform, AI and machine learning are major focus areas. Google is a leading ai development company thanks to TensorFlow, an open-source software library for building machine learning applications. TensorFlow Library is popular and highly appreciated. A testament to its popularity is that AWS recently added support for TensorFlow.
  • IoT to Serverless: Google Cloud has powerful APIs for language, speech, natural translation, and more. In addition, it offers IoT and serverless services, but both are still in the preview stage of release.
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Comparison in Pricing

When comparing the three “big men” in the cloud, prices are sometimes the most difficult. However, some generalizations can be performed.

  • AWS Price: Amazon’s prices are particularly confusing. Although it provides a cost calculation, many related variables make accurate estimating difficult. Gartner advises, “[Amazon’s] detailed price structure is complex; the use of third-party cost management tools is highly recommended.”
  • Azure Price: Microsoft Azure doesn’t make things simpler. Due to Microsoft’s complex software licensing options and use of discounts on a case-by-case case, its price structure can be confusing without significant external help and/or experience.
  • Google Price: In contrast, Google uses its price as a difference. It aims to offer “customer-friendly” prices, surpassing the list prices of other suppliers. Gartner noted: “Google uses deep discounts and exceptionally flexible contracts to try to win projects from customers who are currently spending significant sums of money with competitors in the cloud.”

Tip: Organizations that rely on their cloud provider’s decisions primarily based on price will need to analyze each project on a case-by-case basis to get the best deal. And because providers offer regular discounts, they may need to review those calculations regularly.

AWS vs. Azure, with Google: Which one works best for you?

As noted at the top of this article, the best public cloud provider for you will depend on your needs and workloads.
In fact, the best provider for some projects may not be the best provider for your other projects. Many experts believe that the majority of businesses will invest heavily in the hybrid cloud. Indeed, pursuing a multi-cloud strategy can help ease provider locking or match workloads to the best available service.

  • AWS Selection: You won’t get an error using AWS because of its extensive and large-scale collection of tools and services. The only reason not to choose Amazon is if you want a more personal relationship, something a small store can offer. Given its size, it’s hard for Amazon to have a close relationship with every customer, but there are agents and consultants who can offer that kind of attention focus.
  • Azure Selection: Of course, with Microsoft’s greatest appeal to Microsoft stores. All of your existing .Net code will work on Azure, your Server environment will connect to Azure, and you’ll easily migrate applications on-cloud. What’s more, Azure’s deep focus on hybrid cloud connectivity will help you connect your old data center environment to the Microsoft cloud that is scalable (and feature-rich).
  • Google Choices: Google is growing rapidly but is in the process of being finalized. Naturally, this search giant has no successor platform in dealing with businesses. But it is fully committed and has invested billions in its cloud efforts. And it’s partnered with Cisco, the company that knows this business. Those who should look at Google now are those who watched a year ago and don’t like what they see. They may be surprised. Google has built the cloud based on its strengths, which are scale and machine learning. Obviously, it’s worth a look.

Bottom line:

These types of companies will inevitably be attracted to certain cloud providers. So again, if your company runs Windows and more Microsoft software, you’ll probably want to investigate Azure.

If you’re a small, web-based startup looking to expand quickly, you might want to get a good view of Google Cloud Platform. And if you’re looking for a provider with the widest service portfolio and worldwide reach, AWS may be right for you.

All of the services from both competitors are shown below:

 Amazon Web ServicesMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud Platform
RegionsGlobal InfrastructureRegionsRegions and Zones
PricingCloud Services PricingPricingPricing
Basic ComputeEC2Virtual MachinesCompute Engine
Container Instances
Kubernetes Engine
ServerlessLambdaFunctionsCloud Functions
App HostingElastic BeanstalkApp Service
Service Fabric
Cloud Services
App Engine
Batch ProcessingBatchBatchN/A
Object StorageS3Blob StorageCloud Storage
Block StorageEBSN/APersistent Disk
File StorageEFSFile StorageN/A
Hybrid StorageStorage GatewayStorSimpleN/A
Offline Data TransferSnowball
Snowball Edge
N/ATransfer Appliance
Relational/SQL DatabaseRDS
SQL Database
Database for MySQL
Database for PostgreSQL
Cloud SQL
Cloud Spanner
NoSQL DatabaseDynamoDBCosmos DB
Table Storage
Cloud Bigtable
Cloud Datastore
In-Memory DatabaseElasticacheRedis CacheN/A
Disaster RecoveryN/ASite RecoveryN/A
Machine LearningSageMaker
Apache MXNet on AWS
TensorFlow on AWS
Machine LearningCloud Machine Learning Engine
Cognitive ServicesComprehend
Cognitive ServicesCloud Natural Language
Cloud Speech API
Cloud Translation API
Cloud Video Intelligence
IoTIoT CoreIoT Hub
IoT Edge
Cloud IoT Core
NetworkingDirect ConnectVirtual NetworkCloud Interconnect
Network Service Tiers
Content DeliveryCloudFrontCDNCloud CDN
Big Data AnalyticsAthena
Stream Analytics
Data Lake Analytics
Analysis Services
Cloud Dataflow
Cloud Dataproc
Authentication and Access ManagementIAM
Directory Service
Single Sign-On
Active Directory
Multi-Factor Authentication
Cloud IAM
Cloud IAP
Security CenterCloud DLP
Cloud Security Scanner
Application Lifecycle ManagementCodeStar
Visual Studio Team Services
Visual Studio App Center
Cloud MonitoringCloudWatch
Log Analytics
Cloud ManagementSystems Manager
Management Console
Cost Management
AR & VRSumerianN/AN/A
Virtual Private CloudVPCN/AVirtual Private Cloud
TrainingTraining and CertificationTrainingTraining Programs
3rd Party Software and ServicesMarketplaceMarketplaceCloud Launcher
Partner Directory

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