Backup as a Service

Data is quickly becoming a company’s most valuable asset (besides its people, of course). And while many of us are backing up our data on-premise, there is more we can be doing to ensure our critical data has the redundancy and security it needs to mitigate an ever-increasing risk landscape.

For protecting those data, it is recommended to follow 3-2-1 rule, which means “Store three copies of your data, two of them on a different medium and one of them off-site. While this looks easy on paper, there are quite a few considerations that must be planned out to achieve such levels of protection.

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How BaaS helps?


All data protection tasks targeted at the cloud repository are performed by tenants on their own. Tenants can set up necessary jobs themselves and perform tasks on backup servers deployed on their side. Backup as a Service tenants can perform the following operations:

  • Back up virtual and physical machines to the cloud repository
  • Copy backup files to the cloud repository
  • Restore data from the cloud repository
  • Perform file copy operations manually between the tenant side and the cloud repository (Scheduled file copy jobs are not supported.)


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Backup all types of data

Backup all types of data: File, Database, Operating System, Virtual Machines, and Physical Servers to Cloud storage infrastructure.

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Automatic Scheduling

Intelligent automation discovers new workloads and applications to determine the best process for successful backup and verified recovery.

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Version Storage

The system stores multiple versions (or restore points) of the data, ensuring safety even when data is corrupted by viruses/malware.

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Data Encryption

Data is end-to-end encrypted with the AES-256 encryption and SSL encryption, ensuring information safety and security.


User-Friendly Web Interface

Support Large Data Volumes

Block-level Replication for Network Optimization

Available WAN Acceleration

SSL-based End-to-End Encryption

Full Suite of Managed Services Available
