Why Hostinger can achieve a high rank in the 2020 web hosting market share?

Hostinger is one of the providers of hosting services, domain names, … If you do not know much about Hostinger, do not worry too much, this article Cloud Space will introduce you to them more carefully.

Who are they?

Hostinger is one of the companies specializing in providing Web hosting services and Domain Names in Vietnam and around the world. It was established in November 2004 in Lithuania. Up to now, they have been working in this field for nearly 16 years.

Over 16 years of operation and development, they have brought in more than 29 million users from all over the world. If you are one of those who regularly use hosting services, then you will know 000webhost right? This is a website that specializes in providing free hosting to its users.

000webhost was born in 2007 by Hostinger and so far has quite a lot of users. This is a clever form of marketing for this vendor. And perhaps 000webhost has brought in a lot of users for them.

In the beginning, they did not have a support team in Vietnam. But they later set up a support team in Vietnam and developed the hosting business here as an independent branch. So if you notice, they have two main domain names: one is .com domain name (for international market) and the other is .vn domain name (for Vietnam market it’s own).

Hostinger’s services

When we learn about Hostinger we will see with two different domain names but the services they provide are completely similar. However, to agree, we will together learn about the services they provide to the Vietnamese market. What are its services? We will see it below.

Plans for everyone – Hostinger


This is probably their “trump card”. With the provision of free hosting for users, from 2007 until now, Hostinger must have attracted a large number of users for itself.

Overcome, currently, they continue to provide these services in Vietnam. They separate Shared Web Hosting services for small and medium businesses, or Cloud Server for large enterprises. If you ignore the free hosting provider, the cost to rent hosting here is also quite cheap, at a few tens of thousands or more for a month of use.


The domain name is the third service that they offer. Here you can easily choose for yourself a number of domain names such as .com, .xyz, .net, …

However, the provision of domain names in the country is still limited. You will not be able to purchase Vietnamese domain names such as .vn or .com.vn at Hostinger. So this also means that if you want to search for domain names by administrative boundaries here, it is also completely impossible. This may be due to some regulations set by the Government of Vietnam and that Hostinger has not yet met them, so they do not have these services.

Website Builder / WordPress Website / Auto-Installer

This is the first service that Hostinger offers in Vietnam. Internet development, owning a website to serve the business is almost imperative. Knowing this, Hostinger quickly provided related services.

With the aim of targeting those who are not too specialized in Information Technology, the website building method that they apply is quite simple. If you have ever used other products similar to WordPress, you will easily get acquainted with this service only.

In essence, they have prepared website templates (templates) according to different industries. When using, the user will choose a template that suits his style and begin to tweak accordingly. This is quite convenient for users. However, the website created will just stop at a simple level like a product introduction page or news site. And in case you want a website with high complexity, many features, it will be difficult to meet.

Some points to remember

With nearly 16 years of experience in providing hosting services to more than 29 million customers, it is enough to prove Hostinger’s expertise. If you have used 000webhost, you will greatly appreciate their service capacity.

If you are an individual or a small business, Hostinger may also be a good choice. However, if you have a larger business model, then you should carefully consult their response levels to give yourself the optimal choice.

Hope this article has helped you understand more about another hosting provider in Vietnam. See you in the following articles.

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To learn more about the benefits and our managed services on Hostinger, please contact Cloud Space for advice:

   - Hotline: (+84) 86 980 5768
   - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cloudspacevn
   - Website: 
     + https://cloudspace.vn
     + https://hybridcloud.com.vn
     + https://publiccloud.com.vn