The comparison of Virtual Private Cloud vs Public Cloud in 2020

Cloud Computing Services are quickly making their way within organizations by virtue of their advantages such as scalability, instant provisioning, utility model, etc. More than that Cloud computing has the ability to accommodate the varying nature of businesses through its different deployment models i.e Public, Private, and Hybrid. With Cloud Space’s article today, we will show you the basic comparison between private cloud vs public cloud.

Private Cloud vs Public Cloud:

Public cloud, as we mentioned earlier saves you from setup cost while its scalability and ‘pay-as-you-go / pay-as-you-use’ gives you complete freedom of storage and bandwidth.

But due to its security concerns where you don’t know the location of your data has made many companies move to the Private Cloud. They give you complete ownership and provides a complete dedicated cloud environment for the client. But private clouds are highly expensive and comes with high costs in terms of maintenance and resources.

How about a Private environment in Public Cloud?

A pool of public cloud resources covered by the security protocols created for a private enterprise. The Virtual Private Cloud has brought in it the best of both public and private and is quickly making its place.

So keeping in mind its objectives and uniqueness, we will, in this article compare the two most commonly available subcategories of Cloud Computing – Virtual Private Cloud vs Public Cloud.

Virtual Private Cloud

Virtual private cloud is one of the most abundantly found cloud computing solutions. The intrinsic flexibility of its paradigm makes it ideal for traditional enterprise IT requirements.

VPC solution has been adopted by industries such as finance and health care which have some of the most rigorous compliance requirements.

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Salient Features of Virtual Private Cloud Computing

1. Enhanced Security Measures

Especially for financial institutions. Let’s take a bank or a mortgage company, for example. The confidentiality and security of their critical data is the utmost concern.

Virtual private cloud computing comes equipped with a customizable firewall and authenticated tools which ensure maximum protection against unauthorized use, hacking, and other such malicious attempts.

2. Dedicated Resources

The essence of private cloud is “no compromise”. As a subscriber to private cloud computing an enterprise has its own dedicated resources such as processor time and data storage which ensure optimum performance.

3. Greater Customization

Private cloud services are customizable so they can be molded to suit the exact requirements of an enterprise. This in turn bestows the enterprise with more control over its data.


The enhanced security, customization, and dedicated resources aspects of a virtual private cloud can be expensive for small businesses. Plus with all these features comes the great responsibility for maintenance, for which you might need to look for managed cloud services.

public cloud vs private cloud

Comparing Private Cloud vs Public Cloud in features, what will be the differences?

Salient Features of Public Cloud Computing

1. Cost Effective:

A public cloud is the simplest to set up as it liberates that subscriber from woes of hardware, application, and bandwidth expenses. These are all taken care of by the service provider. There’s no rigid contract that would dictate a fixed amount to be paid and enterprises pay for only those resources they are utilizing.

For example, the spot pricing from both AWS and Azure.

2. Complete Freedom:

Public clouds give you complete freedom. They provide the necessary resources and you can utilize them the way you want. This is the reason public clouds are highly used when programmers wish to test any application or code work on a short-term basis.


Security and reliability are the biggest concern in the public cloud. Public clouds are generally believed to easily hacked but they are ideal in situations where enterprises wish to keep certain information to the public-at-large or in collaboration projects.

To know more about the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service and receive our professional consultation, please contact Cloud Space for advice:

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